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Tuesday, February 5, 2013


This post written by Dirck Stahl and Osman Mufti of the law firm Ziemer, Stayman, Weitzel & Shoulders, LLP.

Copyrights, trademarks and patents are types of property that people own.  Because they are the products of a person’s imagination and creativity, they are referred to as “intellectual property”.

People often confuse these three types of intellectual property and use them interchangeably, but it is important to know the differences.

A copyright – often indicated by the mark “©” -- is a form of right that is granted by the Constitution and other laws.  Copyrights protect things people write and create, including both published and unpublished works. These may include written works such as novels, scripts for movies or plays, songs . . . even something we think of as ordinary, like letters from one person to another.  It also protects creations that take other forms, such as computer software, video recordings, movies, photographs, and audio recordings of songs or other sounds.

Unlike copyrights, patents protect inventions. For example, your computer contains many parts and components, most of which were invented by someone.

Trademarks protect phrases, logos or symbols identifying a product or service.  Trademarked logos and slogans often bear a little mark as ® or ™.

A copyright exists immediately when a person creates an original written work.  The law does not require that copyrights be “registered” before it exists, but lawyers highly recommend registering original works with the U.S. Copyright Office.  Registration of a copyright allows an author to sue for copyright infringement.

In general, the law provides the author or owner of a copyright with the exclusive right to reproduce the work, distribute copies of the work, and perform or display the work in public.  As with other types of property, a copyright can be sold or transferred in other ways.  For example, the author might permit another person or company to use the work, with or without limits on specific periods or uses.  Often, selling limited or unlimited rights to a written or recorded work is the main way – if not the only way – that an author, artist, or other copyright owner can make money from the work.  Every time someone reproduces a copyright-protected work without permission, then, it deprives the copyright owner of valuable rights:  the right to control how, when and for what his or her creation is used, the right to be paid for granting permission to use it, and the right to receive credit for having created it.  Sometimes copyright owners give away the right to use their work for free, but that is their choice, and they are still able to control how often, when and in what ways the free use occurs, and they still get credit for their work.

Copyright is an especially important topic when it comes to content you find online.  Because of the amount of content and the types of formats in which it appears online, people have invented many ways to steal that content for their own uses without obtaining permission from the copyright owners.  If you download a movie or song for free on the internet, for example, you may be “pirating” the movie or song, because you don’t have the permission of the owner to do so, and you have deprived him or her of the right and ability to charge you money to do so.  It might not seem like a big problem for just one little movie or song, but imagine the millions – or even billions – of times people obtain the same thing without paying for it, and the amount of money the owner could have collected – but now has lost.  This deprives people of the way they make their living through their creativity and the products of that creativity.  Even worse, some people not only take those products of creativity from the rightful owner, but then also reproduce and sell the product as if it were their own!

In some instances, the law allows us to use a copyright-protected work for specific things without first obtaining permission from the owner – this is called “fair use.”  But those cases are the exception, not the rule, and are often limited to situations where the user has already paid for a copy of the work.

Copyrights serve an important purpose in society by promoting creativity and the production of literature, art, and other content that contains valuable ideas and information.  We want others to be able to use the things creative people produce, but we must be sure that the owner’s rights are protected, that credit is given, and that the owner receives compensation for the value of the work.

Understanding the protections copyright law provides will foster a greater appreciation and respect for literary and artistic work you may encounter online and make you a “good digital citizen”.

How do you think you would you feel if someone used your creative work? Would it make a difference whether they did the following:

  • Asked your permission to use it?
  • Gave you credit as the creator?
  • Changed the picture or added a caption without asking you?

What do you think it means to use someone else’s creative work responsibly? Does it matter how and where you use it?


  1. What are your thoughts about using Wikipedia for research information?

    1. I think using Wikipedia for research information is like using a stranger's journal to write a paper. You don't know if it's factual or who wrote it. To keep your facts straight go right to the source!

    2. i think its okay to copy right. sometimes some people can't think of things and have writers block so, google.

    3. I think Wikipedia is alright to use. If you find something on Wikipedia that you want to use for a research project, you should go to at least two other sites and see the same information is listed on multiple sites. If it is, it is most likely true. Also to avoid copyrighting, you can take the main idea from the sentence and put it into your own words and also site where you found your information at the end of your presentation or project.

    4. Using Wikipedia for research information is not a bad thing. Unlike in the past when anybody could edit a page, you have to hace a certian level of creditials to edit a page. Using Wikipedia may also help find sites and books to use for reaseach because there are a list of sources used to get the information in the page. Using Wikipedia as a source in your bibliography is not a good idea, but Wikipedia helps get a base for where to start your research.

    5. Wikipedia is ok . It's not the best information to get for a research project. I have done a couple reports with Wikipedia and almost all of it was not true. That project I got a F-Failure. I'm not saying that it's a bad website , but it's not just a very good website for information although it's MADE for information. I would just stay away from the website if you ask me. Just use the most resourceful search engine ever , Google! There are other search engines like Bing and others things like that. My opinion just stay away from Wikipedia.

    6. @Peyton - very good points. Different teachers and different academic disciplines all use different methods for citing your sources. Be sure you always follow what your teacher is requesting. Thanks for sharing!

    7. @Mitchell - I think starting our research at Wikipedia might not be a bad thing. Any English teachers out there can chime in and overrule me! 😃 Looking at the information and getting a general feel is good. Where you really look is at the list of cited sources at the bottom of the page. If these are scholarly seek out the information there. The closer you can get to the source the more accurate and legitimate the information will be.

      Have you used Wikipedia for research?

    8. I think Wikipedia is okay. It's not the best place for information but its not a bad place its not all facts. I could go on Wikipedia and put "snowy weather is the most popular weather". Is it, no it is not. If you can find other places besides Wikipedia. ☺

    9. @Ashton - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

    10. MY THOUGHTS ABOUT USING WIKIPEDIA AS A SEARCH ENGINE... i don't think many negative things, but with wikipedia when you search for something you end up with a ton of links. Plus it uses vocabulary that a high-schooler would probably understand. i believe that it should include less links, and lower vocabulary like google perhaps. plus wikipedia has ads, ads, and even more ads!

  2. It's second nature for users to Google an idea, paper, or art work to use as reference. But at what point does reference turn to plagiarism? The key to stopping this issue is educating users what is stealing, whether it be intentional or acidental. The internet makes it indefinitely too easy to steal work and ideas. Most of the time users don't even realize or pause to think about it. By getting educated you can protect yourself from doing wrong, and protect those who could be wronged.

    1. Exactly! Google can start you on our way, help you to find sources of information. Each individual then needs to use their own head to determine whether the information they find is trustworthy, intelligent, and worthy of inclusion in their work.

      We MUST do a better job teaching young people how to filter what comes at them through the fire hose of the Internet - it is the only way they are going to be successful in this increasingly digital world!

      Okay, off my soapbox...

  3. I think you should watch what you are copying online because you could get in BIG trouble. Do you know what that is called when you copy someone else's work? It's called plagiarism. You never want to copy stuff online. Put it in your own words.

    1. that is true i do agree with you samantha you should put stuff you got off the internet in your own words .

    2. Do you still have to cite the source if you put the material in your own words? I'm interested in what you think....

  4. I think copyright laws are good because if there weren't any copyright laws people could go and make any thing they want look bad could hack in to your work website and completely change it then you don't have any work then you could get fired that's what I think about copyright laws

    1. John - Does copyright apply to anything else other than websites? How about music and video? What are your thoughts there?

    2. I agree with what you're saying. I feel like people like the fact that their stuff is protected from being used and someone else calling it theres. Give credit where credit is due.

    3. I agree with what you are saying. O think people like the fact their stuff is protected from others using it and saying its theres. Give credit where credit is due.

  5. It is okay because a lot of people copyright things there is over 1000 or more people that copyright movies and song.

  6. Copyright laws are very important because if there wasn't we would have so many of the same things. I think that everyone would probably be copyrighting papers so that they can get out of work. Now new things can be created for the future because of the copyright laws.

    1. Jacob - I like your point that new things can be created because of copyright. By protecting the work of creators it encourages them to create more. Explain what you mean about copyrighting papers to get out of work....

  7. I think its ok to copy right. If people want to take ideals its ok I think its not a big ideal.

    1. Its also illegal...sooooooooooooo yeah. Intellectual property theft.

    2. Caleb - I believe you are confusing copyright with "copying right." As Mitchell points out copying what is not yours is called Intellectual Property Theft and is illegal. Can you explain your idea with some justifying facts.... There are others that have this same viewpoint but they back it with facts and thoughts. Share some more....


    I also think copy right laws are good because people put their time into the papers they do. And its not fair for someone to just take the other persons work and use it as their own work, when they really did nothing, People can also get money out of the work, music, or videos they post, but they dont get that money when people copy and paste or illegally download files.

  9. I think copyrights are okay i guess, i believe that you could copyright and change it up so you can get the work for it. If you don't change it up, then you shouldn't get the work for something you copied and didn't change up alittle. It isn't your work so don't copy it and not try and change it up.

    1. Breanna - What do you mean by "change it up a little?" How much do you need to change? Do you still need to credit the original or once changed is it all yours?

    2. Breanna - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

  10. I do not know how I feel about this. If somebody stole my work and did not give me credit, I would be very upset. But then again, we Google things all of the time and put it in our own work. We steal information from online all of the time without even giving credit. Now that I realize this, I am going to start citing my sources on my research projects. I hope that people will start giving me credit if they use my information.

    1. Megan - You have cut straight to the heart of the issue. People Google things and slap them in their work without realizing that what they are doing is stealing the work and ideas of others. With access to information so easy to come across, we all need to stop and think about what and how we use digital information and artifacts. Thanks for sharing your insight!

  11. I think that Samantha has point that plagerism can get you in trouble because it is not your work. Samantha also pointed out that you need to put things in your own words.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I think it is a good thong we have copyright laws or we would have a lot of the same movies and TV shows .I think if you have a project due you could look at pictures to get a idea but don't do the same thing or your copyrighting .

    1. Chaney - I think the word your looking for is plagiarizing (or stealing) at the end of your sentence. Copyrighting is what you do to protect your own creations. I also like your point about getting ideas - we draw inspiration from the world around all the time. We set out to create something though we have to stop and make sure that what we are doing is not just a duplicate of something someone else has done. Our thinking should synthesize and expand on ideas and then demonstrate that through our product, citing inspiration if necessary.

  14. To use someone else's creative work responsibly would mean to not sell their work and to not take credit for it. You also have to be careful not to accidentally plagiarize works. Sometimes when you find information online you just copy exactly what they say. You have to put these in your own words or else you are plagiarizing. Also you should not download games or movies for free from websites because you are depriving the maker of money they should have.

  15. I think that it would matter if to the person who ,ask the thing if he was asked to use his work.

    I would make sure that if someone was using my work.

    I don think you should be able to add on to what i did because then it becomes your work

  16. You should watch what you copy,because somethings can be bad to cope. And you can get in trouble.

    1. Lida - I think the best strategy would be to avoid copying. Trying to stay away only from those items that can get you in trouble is dangerous, because what doesn't seem like it can get you in trouble today can become the #1 to get in trouble for tomorrow. And since the Internet forgets nothing, there is a record, somewhere, of what you have done.

      Always do the right thing and respect the work of others.

  17. That's right . People shouldn't steal from other people . It's like if you were to create a million dollar fashion line, and someone was to come in and take it from you . Next thing you know that person made a lot of money and is famous . While you are in you'er house broke and it's hard for people to even remember your name . Now dose that seem very fun?

  18. I think it is a great thing we have copyright laws. I would not want someone to use my song or logo if I created one. I agree with the author of this post completely when they say that "copyrights serve as an important way for society to be creative". I would much rather make up my own song, logo, or product then steal someone else's and worry. Copyrights help us all learn how to be come independent learners and make our own things and put things into our own words.

    1. Taylor - BRAVO!!!!!!!!! You are exactly right - when you respect copyright and use research the correct way you learn how to think for yourself and combine the work of others into something new. In this way the collective human knowledge is advanced.

      Great response!

  19. I think that it is ok on some levels if you could ask the person to use it from them, or let them know you are using it.

    1. Nick - when you ask is dependent on how you want to use the work. If it is an encyclopedia obviously you do not need to ask permission, you just need to cite your source correctly. If it is an image you want to use on your website, you need permission if it is copyrighted. No exceptions.

      However.... there are many images and other items released under a Creative Commons license and they have varying ways you can use them. See the link below for more information on these licenses and check out Tim Wilhelmus's comment (way) below for more information.

  20. I think that copyright laws are good because it is not fair to the owners who made the things because copyrighters sell the things saying that it is theirs because they are pirating thoose people because it affects their living. Like people will not buy the owners thing because it is cheaper to buy the copy from the copyrighters.

    1. From, Savannah Stauth

    2. I think that if someone stole my words from a website, I would feel hurt. I would feel like someone had stole my ideas and actions. Copying someone's words is a crime and I think that stealing someone's ideas is a crime too.

    3. Savannah - Good thoughts. Let me correct one thing... Copyrighters are people who help creators protect their work. You are looking for the word "pirate" here. When someone takes the work of another and passes it off as their own we use the word "pirate," especially if they are selling the stolen works. Thanks for sharing!

  21. You should not copy something that is not your own you might regret your actions.

  22. that is right Abby becauswe if people haven't seen the movie big liar it is about a man that steals a boys homework assigment because it will make him rich cause of the script he had written so it is not good to steal

  23. I guess it would be ok if someone asked to use my project. But if i ever did do an invention i should get full credit and nothing should be changed.Original is what it is. Copyright is good , i think in my opinion.It protects my stuff and my rights. Copying like a move you can protect that with copyright. An invention you can get a patent saying your the one who made it and nobody else! People should have their right to have their stuff , and there stuff protected by copyright. Basically if your copyrighting your basically going into someones mind stealing all their hard work , ideas , perseverance ,and integrity that someone else put into a project. Now if someone ASKED and gave me credit that would be an whole different conversation.

    They would be giving me credit and not just throwing it or present it they would ask.That would'nt be copyrighting in my mind . That would be asking my permission and saying a newspaper article for an example. Ashton Schierbaum with a ....let's say ice cream maker. With no buttons just hand activated. Published by Anthony Crosswater (fake name) . That would be perfect He asked my permission and asked.

    Now if someone changed my idea that would now be there's i think. I would still have the original creation but all that would happen was give it mods (modifications) . Improving an creation ! Copyright is bad , but when you ask and be polite and all the gushhy mushhy stuff It's a different story.

    Comment made by: Ashton Schierbaum at Thompkins Middle School

    1. Ashton - Good insights. Let me correct one thing... Copyrighters are people who help creators protect their work. A copyright means that a work is protected. I think you are looking for the word "pirate" here. When someone takes the work of another and passes it off as their own we use the word "pirate," especially if they are selling the stolen works. Thanks for sharing!

  24. Plagerism is not a good thing to do you should not copy someone elses work and take the credit for it.Don't copy someone elses work because your to lazy to think of it yourself.It's not fare for the person who wrote it to not get credit for it.People work long and hard to think of the stuff they write so don't take it away from them.Thats like someone doing work to earn money and just snatching it out of their hand right when they get it.If you do steel others words and work you could get in a lot of trouble.You could maybe go to jail or have to pay a fine.Lets just say it's not good to plagerize because you think your not smart enough to think of it yourself.So don't plagerize ever it is a bad thing.

    1. I agree with Josh because plagerism is illegal and unfair to the person it originally came from.If you get credit from something you plagerized you should and could get into serious trouble.

    2. I agree with Josh because plagerism is a bad thing to do. If someone plagerizes they should get into trouble.

  25. I think using someone else's creative and original piece of work without permission is extremely rude. If I took the time to make something important and someone copied and pasted it and claimed as their own I would be furious! Sometimes, people give others permission to copy their work, which to me is perfectly fine. I agree with the statement in the text above, "copyrights serve as an important way for society to be creative" because one cannot be creative if they have copied someone else's idea. In conclusion, people should learn to be original because copying can result in paying for fines and even getting arrested (depends to what extent).

    1. Sydney - Great points. Let me add that as a creator, wouldn't you get upset if your creations were constantly stolen? I know I would. I would probably be less inclined to continue creating. Wouldn't you?

  26. Another thing useing Wikipedia is a very bad idea because you could search something about Bob Walters and someone else could have typed some thing about Gatti Town.You never know if some thing is true or not because anyone can write on there.Some one could just get on there for fun and type all kinds of things that aren't true.When your teachers tell you useing Wikipedia is a bad idea you should probley listen to them because there telling the truth.I don't think your teachers will tell you to use something that will hurt your grade enless the teacher is out to get you or something , but I dout that will ever happen so don't worry about that.What you do need to worry about is not using wikipedia trust me it can get you in some trouble with your grades.You also don't want to use it because random people get on there and type stuff some of those people probley don't know what their talking about.

    1. In order to edit a post on a Wikipedia page, you have to have a very high level of creditials. Unlike in the past where anyone could edit Wikipedia, It is very hard to get the right authority to change a page. Most pages on Wikipedia also have the source included to back up the statement or fact.

    2. Mitchell is correct, but it is always good to be careful about Internet sources. Check the references and go to those sources for your information. Analyze it for yourself. Look for bias. And carefully pick any source you are going to use,

  27. Honestly I would be mad if someone stole my work, it is wrong to steal and you should always ask permission of the owner of that work to use it. Unless it is in the rights of creative commons, or something like that. Make sure that you are doing something legal before it is done. However even more importantly make sure it is moral.

  28. I have seen many presentations done at school that do not properly cite their sources, including my own. I hope this will make kids think about giving credit to the author when credit is due.

    1. Agreed! I know I am guilty of forgetting to cite an image in a PowerPoint. Some of this is new territory for most of us because we have never had this type of always-on, instant access to information. We have to slow down and think as we work - am I giving credit where credit is due?

  29. If someone used my work as their own I would be really mad. I would not use someone else's work as my own. I think that everyone else should be original, and then there would be no problem.

  30. I would be okay with it cause they asked for it, so it would be fine with me.

  31. Copyright laws are an amazing thing. If people were to copy off of somebody's logo, slogan, or business name, that would just be lazy, why do people do this? The world may never know.

    1. Tanner - Isn't it easy to just image search an image, go to original, right click, save it, and pop it into your presentation for class? Many non-lazy people do this because they don't realize that what they are doing is stealing. We all need to learn more. That's why we're here, right?!!

  32. I would not really mind if someone used my creative work as long as they give me credit. Also believe that if it was a story I wrote, yes, I would furious. In truth, who wouldn't. When I do research paper, I have to use citations. As long as people use information for the good it is O.K. Although if you do have original work and are an amateur author and you write a story for the world to see. You probably shouldn't have taken the risk in the first place.

  33. I think that plagiarizing is wrong ,but some people think it is ok when it isn't.

  34. I wirte poems, songs and raps. If someome were to use my work as their own, I would do whatever I could to make sure that people know that it is mine. I don't write for people to pass it off as their own. I think the writers should get all the credit if it has to be used at all.

  35. I have seen many presentations in my lifetime, including at school and at my mom and dads work that do not properly cite their sources. When you do this then you are taking the credit of someone that has already done what you are doing. I hope that this article will make kids think about giving the credit to the author or inventor that created it, by work cited slides or even a picture of the true creator.

  36. If you are going to copy off someones work, you need to either cite it or get permission. If people do that, then I really don't mind. But people who copy work without permission, they are just lazy and do not know what they are getting into. If that work is copyrighted, than you could be in serious trouble.

  37. I would hate it if someone tried to take credit for something I had spent my time and effort on. I get upset even when my sister takes credit for unloading the dishwasher! I hope this helps some people I know change their ideas about coping other's work. I will pay more attention to crediting the work of websites and videos I use for information during school!

    1. Annabelle G. - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real (full) name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

  38. Copyright laws are very important and should be followed by everyone. It's not fair if someone writes a great play, or something, and then it gets copied and no one would even know who actually wrote it.

  39. Copyrighting is not a good thing. People should not use someone else's good idea unless they have that person's permission. Think of your own idea and don't steal other people's. Give credit to the person that does the work or invention. If someone copyrights something from someone, they should give them credit for the work and cite their name or where it came from.

  40. As a young adult, I normally wouldn't feel too affected by this. But I am a writer. I'm an artist. I love to draw and write my own stories, whether I've created them or based them off of something popular. I've seen some of my writing copied and pasted into something else without my permission. It's not a good feeling when you see your work with someone else. While I don't sell my writing or art, it's still not a very friendly thing to do. Of course I copyrighted the work, but they took it without speaking to me whatsoever. I eventually got onto them about it, but it still wasn't a good feeling.
    I can't possibly imagine what it could be like for actual artists and writers. They may be flattered if they make something based off of it, but without proper copyrights, then it could potentially make them angry.
    I hope people actually learn from this blog post. Stealing other's work is not cool, and it won't help you at all.

  41. I feel like everyone should come up with their own material . We should not steal other people's ideas that they took time & came up with . People should be theirselves and come up with their own material .

    1. Mariyah - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

  42. I would be really mad if someone used my own work. If you use someone else's work you need to make sure to cite your work.

  43. I would be very upset if someone stole my idea or work. However, if they asked my permission and gave me credit, I would not mind. If they tried to change my work, I would be angry and not let them use it anymore.

  44. I think that if people take another persons works they should show where they got it and give the author credit for what they've done. With songs, I think people should pay for the songs that they want to listen to because the person who put it online probably had to do some work to put it there. People really don't think that what there doing is wrong, but when you look at it as a whole it really is very bad.

  45. I believe that copyrighting is very wrong. This is because If you are writing something and you don't put your name on it, someone can come in and take it and call it there own. When that happens, you can't do much about it. Also, If you see a free music download of your favorite song, It is most likely copyrighted. Do not download it!

    1. Sarah - Good insights. Let me correct one thing... Copyrighters are people who help creators protect their work. A copyright means that a work is protected. I think you are looking for the word "pirate" here. When someone takes the work of another and passes it off as their own we use the word "pirate," especially if they are selling the stolen works. Thanks for sharing!

  46. If someone used my work and asked I wouldn't mind.But if you didn't ask I would be a little upset.If someone ask for my permission and i say yes.I would want credit for my work becuse I have taken time to make it.

  47. Honestly, this topic is very confusing to think about. When I write something that is mine, I trust others to respect my work and think of their own ideas for their own work. Sometimes, I feel cautious about letting my friends read my work because I'm afraid they may steal some of my original ideas.

    However, we get on our computers anytime we want, and just Google things. We take what we need without asking anyone and giving credit. Its pretty simple to steal someone's pictures or information. Some kids, too young to understand, plagiarize information they find. Its very wrong, to take others words, and not give them credit.

    If someone is going to use your work, they need to ask you first, then credit you. It's not hard to forget a picture, but its where a picture came from.

    1. Very good point Brooke! It is very easy today to just Google something and forget that the picture or text that pops up is the creation of someone and deserves to be treated properly. Thanks for sharing!

  48. If someone used something that I worked on for hours I would be really upset. Think if you used your friends work and said that it was your's. So you should always ask before you use someone else's work or at least give it credit. If you take someone else's work it's called plagarism, and that can get you in serious trouble especially in college. So be creative, no one is going to get in trouble for putting in their opinion.

  49. If someone took my work, that I worked forever on, and used it irresponsibly without my permission, I wouldn't be happy. That's my personal work I spent a lot of time on. If you were wanting to use my work, I would only be okay if they asked. I think taking someone elses work like that is only okay if they have it out on a site for people to take. Only because, that would be their own fault for putting it out there for the whole world to see.

  50. I would be very mad if someone took my work, but if you ask.. I guess it would be fine. But still you always have to ask if you want someone else's work.

    1. kaylawnie - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

  51. I think that the people that do copy write are just lazy and don,t know how to think of there own ideas.

  52. i thought it was a good thing about tradeemars

  53. If someone stole my work I would be terribly mad.You should always ask before you can take.I don't know if I would ask money for people to use my work but I do think it would be wrong for some body to steal and say it was theirs.

  54. Now if your about download something and you know everywhere else you have to pay for it don't download it. Don't steal anyone's work. They want you paying for it or letting them give you permission. Now to be honest I have done this unknowingly. People on the internet will say this is fine etc etc. It's not because it means your stealing! I hate it people steal what I do, so don't let happen to anyone else
    sincerely kind of confused
    John Williams

  55. I don't think it is okay to copyright. What if you spent a lot of time on a paper for English/literature, and then someone took it from you copied all of it and gave it back without giving you credit. There is a thing called plagiarism if you look something up you have to put it in your own words. I would be so mad if someone took my work that i spent a lot of time doing! How would you feel if someone took your work. Don't copyright it's not good to do.

  56. I like the laws of copy write because I wouldn't want someone taking my ideas, and getting rich off of it. As long as I got credit for it would be okay with me.

  57. If someone asked me for permission, or gave me credit for displaying my work, I would be okay with it. But if they changed my signature, and put their name instead I would be upset.

  58. If someone took my work, I would not be pleased if it was done without my permission. However, to play Devil's Advocate for a minute, one has to consider that if people had not downloaded illegally, then they probably would not have been exposed to something that he/she downloaded.

    I in no way support illegal downloading. I support Fair Use (which I should mention that Parodies are covered by) and permission.

  59. I think that if they have asked me it would make a huge difference. If somebody did not ask me I would honeslty be pretty mad!

    1. Kennedy521 - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

  60. I beleive the original author should be credited with their authentic work. A person should not utilize information created by another with out proper citing or if requested, permission by the author. I would not like someone using my information or original work without consulting me or at least citing my piece as a reference in their synthesis. I would probably not ask for money, but would deem it right for someone to give me proper reference if they incorporate my work into their project.

  61. I think it is useful because we are getting some education.

  62. The feeling of someone taking your hard work is a feeling of mostly anger. The feeling of this is mostly of that feeling is because, imagine someone was probably too lazy and probably slacks off too much to get their own work done, so they attempt to copy yours, however, if you see someone have the exact same thing as yours, track the person down. Finding out who this "copy-cat" is can lead to finding many reasons for why he/she is doing this. Let an adult or a school guidance councilor to help, never find out things on our own, ask an adult to help.

    1. The Fighter - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

  63. I wouldn't like someone to come and just take all my hard work away. I think that it is wrong to do that to someone else. The least that you could do is just ask.

    1. chelese m - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

  64. if i had an idea and someone took it away i would be mad but wouldn't do something rude about it i would have let it go

  65. Using someone's word for word information is like stealing. Their creation is what they have came up with. I wouldn't be very happy if I seen someone stealing information that I came up with. I'm sure no one else would to. I understand if you ask the people and they give you permission, but other than that it's best to not use other peoples work.

    1. Tori R - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real (full) name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

  66. I would HATE it if someone stole my work. It would make me feel better if they asked to use it or gave me credit. As long as I give my permission, I would allow them to change a caption or photo. I think to use someone else's work responsibly is to only do what the creator tells you you can do. I would not care where you use it, but I would care how. I believe if you just ask permission, it makes a BIG difference.

  67. I would not be very happy if people were copying my work without my permission, but if the gave me credits for makeing it all it would not be as bad. Nobody like it when people steal their stuff,and if I worked really hard on it I would not want anybody to even use my stuff. It all depends on how you feel about it, but I would not like it.

    1. Eric B - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real (full) name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

  68. If you had posted on Facebook,Twitter, or Instagram that you didnt want anybody to see around the world but anybody now a days have acsess to it a copywrite it.

  69. I think that using wikipedia is a really bad choice, especially if you are looking for a good answer. People can get on there and just do whatever they want to do to the correct answer. This is an example copyrighting.

  70. Creativity is something everyone has within them but, being able to have the determination to apply it is another story. Whenever someone, a company, or an organization puts out a logo or a slogan of some sort, people cannot just copy and use it. For most institutions, there is a copyright, patent, or trademark. This means that no one is allowed to reproduce the material without permission from the company. Of course though, you are able to view the material and get ideas from it, just remember don't copy it, put your name on it, or anything else that would change it in any way. Whenever I use my creativity, imagination, and determination to make something, I want to make sure that it is not changed in any way. I would definitively feel honored if someone asked to use my work, it's just I would prefer they asked for permission, as like many other people would. Plagiarism is against the law and can be easily avoided. Just remember to be creative and if you need to use someone else's material then ask for permission and site where it came from.

  71. It means that you gave credit to the original writer or creater.I thing it does matter where you use it. If you changed something someone wrote in the slightest way to make them look bad you can get introuble.

  72. It is difficult to use someone else's creative work responsibly. When you receive a topic for a paper, the first thing most people do to research the topic is google it. After reading what pops up, you face the choice of changing what they said into your own words, or plagiarizing exactly what they said. Using it unresponsively would be the latter. However, no matter which one you choose, you always have to cite where you got the information. If you don't cite the source of the information, you are not using that creative work responsively.

  73. If I made an invention, I wouldn't want anyone to take my credit of my invention.I would let someone use my invention.Only for the right cost and if I give them permission.

    1. DAmontae - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real (full) name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

  74. This has happened to me. I made something and someone did the same thing except changed it a little. I thought it was fine at first because they liked my work. Then it got out of hand after a while. I think that person should make their own ideas instead of always getting ideas from other people.

  75. Does it matter how and where you use it?
    I wouldn't want anyone to use my ideas or what I wrote without my permission. If they asked and re-worded it i would be fine with it, just not word for word. If they did write it word for word, they would have to give me permission for it to be okay with me. If they changed the picture or added a caption without my asking, I would be very upset and angry with them because I don't let them use something I wrote just to have them change the picture or caption. I think using others work responsibly means to make sure its okay you can use it first. It matters how you use it because if you change a lot of it, it may make the person mad, or angry with you.

  76. I believe that if you choose to use copyrighted work, you should keep the owner in mind and their rights. You should do this not only to protect yourself from a lawsuit, but also to show respect to the person whos work you are using. You should ask permission from the owner, of course, and also make your intentions for the product clear. Remember to make it known that you do not own the product and give credit to who does.

  77. Once, my tech teacher told our class about a major company that copyrighted. They had stolen an idea from that company and used it in their own product, claiming it to be their original idea when it obviously was not. There was a lawsuit filed and the company could have been sued.

    Sometimes, it really does seem minor to us students to plagiarize. Do we even know that we're doing it? Do we think about how we may be effecting the owner? Most likely not, or it wouldn't be a problem in the first place. I know that I love it when people use my work for an example in something. What I don't like is when my permission was never asked. I feel like they took my rights away as an owner of original work to use it to their own advantages. It stings. It would make all of the difference in the world if they asked my permission first. I'd also appreciate it if they would tell me where they're posting it. What if they were using something of mine on something inappropriate? No, no, and no.

  78. To use someone else's creative work responsibly means to ask for their permission first.Then if you have permission to use it, don't edit it and also give the author credit.

    1. Good job Tanner! Who I have never met before in my life.

  79. When someone doesn't give credit, it's against the law. Some people don't think it is that serious, but it really is. Plagiarizing is a big deal, and people need to understand this.

  80. Say I was working on a spoon-fork for say 5 years. Then a neighbor sees me working on it make one and get done with all that stuff first. Then i would get no credit for the idea or invention that's why patents and those protecting things are created.

  81. It can be wrong or right what if you are the one who came up with it.but if you did not then you need to say where you got it from

  82. Copyright are a law that everyone needs to know. And if someone took my picture and took credit for it, I would say how it was mine and they did not ask.But if they did ask about it I would not mind about it! But I must also know who I am giving it to and what they sre going to do with it. Copyrights are a great law!

  83. One of the things we need to consider is how to find materials that we can use with permission. Many people on the web don't mind if we use their creativity as long as we give them credit or only use it in certain ways. Some people share their work through a Creative Commons license. If I want to use a picture or a piece of music that someone else created, I look for something that has been shared through Creative Commons, and I make sure that I use it according to the creator's wishes. It takes a little longer to find, but I like knowing that I am not stealing their work. An even better solution is to learn to shoot the photo or video or record the music I need myself. Then, I know that I have permission to use it because it is my own work :)

  84. Copyright laws are an issue that a majority of the population could be more educated about. A lot of people don't know about the existence of the "Fair Use and Satire clause," which covers Parodies and other such work, even if it uses copyrighted content, as long as it is changed to such an extreme degree that it may as well be your own original content.

    I know this partially because I remember a bunch of people I was keeping track of on YouTube were falling victim to "false flagging," or illegitimate complaints that a particular video violated a fictional copyright held by a made-up company name (such as Greenlight Studios). YouTube treated these copyrights as if they were legitimate. Even going as far as to take down channels that were innocent. I believe the false flagger's motive was that the channels that they targeted had said something that had offended them. So they exploited a hole in how YouTube handles the management of both real and fictional copyrights.

    All the while, instances of ACTUAL COPYRIGHT went unnoticed by YouTube.

    1. Basically, what I am saying is that this issue is not as black and white as we are making it out to be. There are a ton of legal loopholes.

  85. i think using wikipedia should be your choice. Some might say it's a bad site to get information and others might like that site. It's up to you (just don't copy word to word)

  86. this was a very interesting thing posted because i just learned that the symbols for no copyright is either r or tm. Also it is like the warning at the beguining of every movie.

  87. Copy Right laws are always hidden and are hard to see. If you do not see them on most things and think that you made something you better check it our before you take credit for it. If it turns out that it is copy righted then you could receive a big fine. You would not want that. Copy Rights are really tricky. You just need to watch out for them, and protect yourself from them. They can come back and bite you.

  88. I think it is important to use good reasources when working on papers and projects. A lot of teachers aren't fond of Wikipedia, however I don't really have a problem with it. Knowledgable people write things on Wikipedia, but there is some inaccurate information. I don't think Wikipedia is problem because you can always start out with it and then use other references to back up the information.

    1. Or you can do what I do and cite the sources that are cited in the Wikipedia article. Also, I take the extra mile to check the legitimacy of the source whenever possible.

  89. Personally, I would not mind if someone else used my work. As long as they acknowledged the fact that the work was created by me. Having another person use your work exposes the piece to more people; therefore, it would be fine to have someone else use something that I made because more people would be able to see it.
    If a person wanted to change a piece that I created, I would not mind. Once again, I would only mind if they did not give me credit for my work.

    1. Gentelly - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

  90. I think if you use someone else's music for the better, than there should not be problem. I know that the copyright rules state certain things but their starting to become ridiculous. I know many songs where artists have taken exact lyrics from other artists, and nothing happens...but people lose billions of dollars for using the same beat. I don't understand it. Also, if someone downloads music illegally, they should not be in trouble. 97% of the people i know download songs illegally. You cannot punish certain people f doing it if you cannot arrest everyone.

  91. I would be upset if someone copyrighted my creative work. I don't think it's okay for someone to copyright anything because you're using someone else's work and taking all the credit for it. People should be original and take out the time to think about something and come up with their own ideas. Besides, copyright is against the law and it is very serious.

    1. LaKeiya - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real (full) name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

  92. I feel if someone was to use my work, they should probably at least credit me as the author and acknowledge me in the usage of the work. I think responsible usage of someone's work would be properly citing or paraphrasing their work while including where it came from originally. How you use it is important because if you use it in a research paper it requires the MLA format to cite it and if it were to be on a social networking cite you should quote the work using quotations and include the author so that plagiarism is not an issue.

  93. To use someone else's work responsibly would mean that you would ask permission before you used their work for something. Just taking someone's own original piece away from them and claiming it as your own is not right. That would be taking credit away from the person that it is due to. It's even worse whenever people sell someone else's piece as their own and receive money without giving any back to the original creator. Before you use anyone else's work you should always ask before using it as a reference or example.

  94. If someone was to use my work without my permission, I would be highly upset. Though I wouldn't be angry at all if that person asked me if it was ok, and they did think to give me credit. Other than that, I wouldn't want the person using my ideas to obtain fame though it was my hard work that got them to a point where they could be noticed.

    1. Arius - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real (full) name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

  95. When someone creates something it is entirely up to the creator what happens to the creation. When someone steals that persons intellectual property it deprives that person of the satisfaction that goes into making their own piece of work. On the other hand, when there are copyrights on everything, innovation can take a blow and all we see are people fighting over little things when a new technology or creation that can bring joy to people can be made. Its important to be original, but more so to not stay the same.

  96. Claiming others work can make the original creator to be upset, although giving the author credit for his or her work is completely acceptable. I think authors would actually encourage people to quote them. I don't really think authors care if people share there works if it is getting the word out about their materials. In some ways sharing copyrighted materials is free advertisement.

    1. Keenen - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real (full) name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

  97. If someone wanted to use my copyrighted stuff, I might let them if we figured something out, but if they changed something without my permission, I would be furious. If someone wants to buy a book or whatever the wanted to use, they should buy it, not download it. I can understand reading the book to try it out so you don't waste money, but if you want something, have it legally.

  98. Personally, I would not mind if someone else recreated a piece of artwork I did, or used my pieces as inspiration. I have used others work to derive my own ideas in the past. Honestly if someone used my work in a presentation or quoted me, I would be flattered, if they gave proper credit. I do not think that permission is necessary, like I said, if credit is given where due.

  99. If someone used my work I would be very angry about it. I think it would make a difference if someone asked for my permission first. If someone gave me credit for my work, I do not think I would mind as much either. However, I would not like it if someone just changed the picture on my work. I would want them to still ask me first.

  100. If someone else claimed my own creative work, I would be very upset. The fact that it took me time and my hard work to make the creative work and it to be stolen and used by someone else would make me mad. I think if someone would ask permission and gave me credit for my work, I wouldn't mind. Just when someone takes my own work for themselves is when it is not okay to do. And if someone took my picture and just added a caption to it, it would not make it their work. It is just a wrong thing to do.

  101. If someone stole my creative and original work, I would be upset. On the other hand, if they asked for permission to use my work, and gave me credit, then that would be acceptable. I think that using someones creative work responsibly means that you use their information, but you don't completely copy down their work word by word.

  102. Reading this, I understand how important it is not to steal a copyrighted item or file. Even if you don't know you're stealing, you really are. This article has helped me understand not to do this because it could affect both you, and the creator of the item. Would you want someone stealing something you made instead of paying for it? I doubt anyone would want that. In conclusion, I now know not to take anything that is not mine.

    1. Keannah - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real (full) name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

  103. I would be mad if someone used my work without asking me first. If I would say yes to it, the people who are using it, should give the author credit. If they copy it word by word that is called Plagiarism. Plagiarism is a habit that you don't want to get into. If they want to copy the words on their own sheet of paper and they turn it in and the teacher calls me up too, it would be a big problem. Never use Plagiarism on any of your papers, it can be a big issue!

  104. When your at school and you have a research project most of the kids copy and paste the information that they find and call it "theirs" well little that they know thats stealing for the person who accually wrote and could get into big trouble for not paraphrasing it or put the information that you had found youin own words like a summary.

    1. Melvona - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real (full) name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

  105. I would be upset if someone took my work and used it as thier own.I f they asked my for it I would say okay only if they would say that i did the work and they are just showing it. I would make sure to have everything copywrited

  106. Sometimes I see kids copy a whole paragraph and just go and say it was their own work they made. When using Wikipedia you can change anything on it and mess up someones essay or knowledge. Plagiarism is used a lot, but sometimes you can't even tell you're doing it. This blog is stating that when doing you own work, it shows how you can work harder and what to work on. Be careful and don't be Plagiarizer.

    1. Rocker - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

  107. Delanie B. February 5, 2013
    Using someone elses work is pretty much stealing. Many things would come into play if someone were to take the credit for something that I created. If it were someone close to me, I would be angry. Because of all the hard work and hours I would have put in the project, just to have it taken away. Disbelief that someone would think that they could get by with stealing someone elses ideas. I think being honest and hardworking is something everyone should strive for and not take other peoples work for your own credit.

  108. I would be angry if someone used my work without asking my permission beforehand. If they asked permission and gave me credit, I would be okay with it. I think that to use someone else's creative work responsibly is to make sure not to plagiarize. That means that you can summarize their information but not copy it.

  109. I would be mad if someone used my work and did not give me credit for it. If the person had my permission, I would be fine with them using my work as long as they gave me credit. Many people don't realize they are stealing someone else's work. I think using someone's work responsibly means that you give them credit for their work and put it into your own words.

  110. To copyright something is illegal. I would be mad if someone copied what I had and said that it belonged to them. If they asked me for my permission, I probably wouldn't care. If they gave me credit for the work, then I wouldn't care either. I would be mad if they changed the picture or added a caption without asking me, also. If you change the words around and it isn't exactly like the original, it isn't bad, but you have to be careful how and where you use it.

  111. Plagiarism is bad because you are basically taking something someone else wrote and using it as your own. I always try to change the sentence around so i'm putting it in my own words.

  112. I think that is very wrong to copyright or plagiarize. If someone copied my work, I would be very upset. If do not think that it would make a difference if they changed it just a little, or if they asked for permission. It would make a very little difference if they gave you credit, but I would still be mad.

  113. I feel like when us as students are given a research assignment, it is hard not to plagiarize. I find that we when are presenting the assignments I can tell who took the work they read and paraphrased because it's usually in terms that I can understand better, unlike when I can tell someone plagiarized because they are using words I've never heard of. I think that sometimes, students don't realize that they are plagiarizing and that should be addressed because the person who did the research to put a research paper out there probably took a lot of time and effort to research. Would you want another person stealing your work and using it for their own? No, so students shouldn't take ideas and whole paragraphs from others unless the directly quote it and put the source.

    Also, about downloading music; I think that our net-books are wonderful things but I know for a fact that there are some students illegally downloading music through websites that aren't blocked. They aren't paying for the music and this isn't fair to the musician or producer who made the music who should be getting paid for it. I just everyone tries to be safe and fair while on their net-books.

  114. A majority of middle/highschool students use digital search engines such as Google or Yahoo to research topics for presentations, essays, or any other assigned activity. However, when does this research go from an innocent reference to plagarized writing? Honestly, the answer can only be found in the students' heads.
    The purpose of a research assignment is for students to acquire knowledge by using comprehension skills, vocabulary, and just plain common sense. When used to our benefit, the internet can connect to our minds in a way that no educator could. Even non-advanced students understand information provided by the internet. This is because teens of the modern world are growing up differently, and the internet is a major factor in our everyday lives. However, all this digital access makes it a lot more difficult for teachers to know if a student is learning anything through a research project.
    Teachers would be able to tell if a student has gained knowledge through a project by giving them a quiz over their specific topic. Most teens who plagarize just copy and paste a piece found on the internet. Once this is done, they change a few words and hope that the paper sounds like something they would write. However, if a quiz was given at the end of the assignment, this would motivate students to actually read through and create a work of their own instead of copying and understanding none of the topic. Overall, I think I am not a fan of plagarism because when you commit this crime, not only do you claim someone else's knowledge as your own, but you get nothing back from the entire project. An assignment is given to help improve your understanding of the current world, and if you cheat your way out of it, you are only dragging yourself down.

  115. The blog above speaks of the many interesting complications when it comes to copyrighting, trademarking, and patents. The blog spoke of how you could get into serious trouble if you took another person's work and claimed it as your own. I would feel down right terrible if somebody tried to claim my work without: 1) Asking me first or 2) Citing me as the creator of the piece of work. When ever I make a presentation, I also make sure I don't just copy and paste information straight from the website. If I do happen to do that, I make sure to at least cite who/where I got the information. So, overall, give credit to the creator, or consult the creator of a piece of work before you use it, and don't try to use it as your own.

  116. People should not steal another persons great idea that they came up with. It was their that and someone should not take credit for their idea. A lot of this is also considered plagiarism which is the same as stealing another persons idea. I mean people should at least use quotes or reference the author or creator.

  117. When someone has a good idea, they get really excited about it. They feel good about coming up with something original. Taking that idea from someone is wrong. People have learned over the years that people will take their ideas, so they copyright their ideas now. It is against the law to steal someone's idea without their permission. It's wrong to take someone's idea whether it's copyrighted or not.

  118. I would HATE it if someone stole my work. It would help a lot if they asked my permission. Maybe if they just gave me credit I would be okay with them using my work. It would be okay with me if they changed a caption or picture, as long as they have my permission. To use other's work responsibly is to always give them credit and always ask permission. It really doesn't matter to me where they use my work, but I do care how.

  119. I think when you are using someones work, you want it use it responsibly. You want to make sure that when you use someone's work, you give them credit. If someone used my work, without giving me credit, I would not be very happy. To me it doesn't matter how they use it, just that they said I came up with it. When you use someone's work, you want to use it right.

  120. If someone used my creative work I would feel robbed and would be angry and sad. It would matter if they had my permission because if they did they obviously can use it because they have MY perrmision. I would not have a problem if they use my work as long as they gave me credit. If they changed a picture or added a caption I would definitely like to know before they posted it anywhere or did anything with it. I think the responsible way to use someone's work is to make sure you give them credit.

  121. I would feel robbed if someone used my work without asking permission. It would make a big difference if they asked me first. I would tell me they had to mention it was my idea somewhere in what I was letting them use. They would just be making my idea more popular and that cant hurt. If they tried to change something on it they would have to get it approved by me. Using a persons work responsibly shows respect and maturity. Also I think it does matter how and where someone uses a person work. The creator doesnt want other people to think he is a bad person because someone else used his work irresponsibily.

    1. Eduard - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real (full) name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

  122. If you're going to use someones creative work responsibly you must make sure you ask the original author for permission to use it, or to give credits to the original author. People usually don't like coming up with something and then someone else copying it and getting the credit. I think that when someone does use your creative work it's almost a compliment to you, basically they are saying that they liked your idea so much they wanted to interpret it in their own way.
    Though, if this was another situation and this person was almost changing it completely, not giving you credit, or rewording your work and taking credit this is unacceptable. It all depends on how they use your work, either responsibly or irresponsibly.
    Most people would not allow someone to use their work, either because they wanted it as their own or because they just don't want anyone to change it. If given the chance to use someone's work, you must make sure to use it correctly and be respectful of the author.

  123. Some people copyright with out even knowing. It is imortant to know what you are doing when you click the copy button and then paste it in your work. You always need to make sure you are giving the creater credit. If someone used my work without my permission I would be furious, but it would be different if they asked for my permission. If someone asked to use my work, I would feel proud of what I created. I believe that as long as the person gives you the credit for your work they should be able to use it. Also, some people take your work and change it. When you change it, most people feel like its theirs. When you add a quote or saying it's not truley your work. Yes, you did find a way to make it belong to you, but overall the main product belongs to the creater. Is there is such a thing as usuing someones work responsibly? I think that everything I just stated summarizes what using someone else work responsibly is. If you ask for permission, give them credit, and keep it the same way the creater made it, you are using their work responsibly!

  124. I think when you are using somebody elses work you should let them know and use it responsibly

  125. People today in schools or anywhere usually use copy and paste on their computers which is okay, but you still have to put who it was originally created by. Many just ignore that and make it appear like their own creation without giving the original person credit. It bothers me a lot because they will get a grade they don't deserve while others work harder to make it their own. If you wouldn't want someone to copy you, don't copy someone else's work. A lot of people now get music free off of Youtube which is a form of copyright. You can't do that. People today need to start realizing that the things they do can effect someone else and you can grow habits for it too so it's better to fix them now than later.

  126. It is wrong for somebody to steal another persons creative idea without asking them. I would be terribly mad if someone stole my creative idea. It is a whole different thing if someone asks permission, but I might still might not let someone use it because they could take credit for my piece of work. I would feel better if they gave me credit for it. I would still be fine with a different picture and a different caption. It does matter how and where you use it because if you use it wrong or inappropriately, it can make the person that created the idea mad.

  127. It isn't right to steal someone elses creative idea. If someone was to do that to me I would be mad but if someone was to ask to use it I might not mind. And they could maybe use it in a wrong way.

  128. I think that it is not right to stealing information is wrong

    1. Blake - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real (full) name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

  129. When you copy a Cd and give it to someone else they artist who made that Cd didn't get the money for it. That's how famous people make there money. It is a wrong this to do. You can get is so much trouble for doing this. When you right a paper for school and you copy and past that to you paper and you didn't do a lot of your work. Some teachers catch that. If you write a paper and it goes on the internet and then people use your paper for an assignment.

  130. I think that it's okay to copyright sometimes. I think it's not right though to take movies and copy them from empty discs. I also think that it's a great idea to let people use music but not moives. I think also it's wrong that people take other peoples' work from the internet. It's also wrong to be in a group, doing all the work, and nobody else does work and then everyone's name goes on it. It's completely wrong, in my opinon.

  131. I wouldn't want anybody to cory write my stuff I made. I think the websites that do that should'nt say the stuff is free. THen why do we make stuff like flash drives to copy stuff on if we aren't supposed to do it.

  132. you need to make your own work dont take other people idea thats not fair for the person that made it because the person that made it dont get credit for making his idea

    1. kyle - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real (full) name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

  133. Copywriting is okay only if your downloading music; well to me it is. (my opinion) But when you use other people's word off a website for a project thats wrong ; they worked hard for that paper and for you to copy and paste it thats cheating. Stop being lazy and do your work.

  134. Copywriting is okay for downloading music but when it comes to movies and paper then NO. People work hard for that type of stuff. Just because you wont do your work than doenst mean you can copy and paste. Its makes another people think of poorly. Show that you can not be trusted.

    1. HI K.R. here - If you are a student and would like to be entered in the drawing we need to know your real (full) name. Use your EVSC gmail to post. Share your name here so we make sure you get credit for this post! If you are not an EVSC student, welcome to the conversation!

  135. copywriting is in no way ok to do and there should be more consequences for people who copywrite product texts and music. To me it should also be considered piracy in some cases. If we continue to allow this to happen people wont get credit for music and it wont be produced same with scientific papers every onewould get credit.

  136. Copying is something that nobody wants done to them.But it's going to happen because there are still some people that don't know that their copying somebody's work.Maybe they don't know its a crime and just do it.But it is a crime so STOP.

  137. Copying work is going to happen. People are just out there to steal peoples ideas. They need to think of their own ideas and stop copying others work. Those people will never make it in life. Copying is illegal and people need to stop. Do your own work and stop copying.
